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Tinymce Jquery Form Serialize

I seem to have the opposite problem.Only affects my tinymce textarea in IE. All other form elements andbrowsers do not show the following behavior I'll describe.My webapp basically like an address book. Click a name, and then anajax call loads some HTML about the person, called a 'business card.' I can click 'edit' in that business card, and an HTML form is loadedvia ajax call with the business card data pre-loaded in the HTMLform's fields. One of these elements is a textarea, with tinymceplugin on it.I can edit the content and submit no problem.

Jquery ajax submit

THE FIRST TIME. Afterthe submission, the business card is reloaded via ajax, and the newcontent displays fine.By SUBSEQUENTLY EDITTING AGAIN, I can no longer change the TEXTAREA/TINYMCE content, but all other text inputs, checkboxes, etc., continueto change just as expected.Any idea why the textarea w/ tinymce only works once in this ajaxenvironment?Firefox works fine. All other form elements work fine.

Even textareaWITHOUT tinymce works fine. All of the time.:).

Thanks for the reply Mike! Everyone else who's interested, feel freeto take a look as well.I setup some test pages.andEach has a link to a business card. On the biz card you'll need toclick 'edit.' On 'test,' you'll see tinymce loaded on the description textarea.feel free to try it out. It will work the first time, but not onsubsequent attempts.On 'test2,' you'll see just a plain textarea in the edit window, andit will work over and over again.A copy of the jQuery code is atLine 74 '// Edit buttons (opens assetform)' begins the appropriatejQuery for that Edit window.

The only difference between 'test' and'test2' is 'test2' is lacking the tinyMCE.init function.thanks!!! Thanks for the reply Mike! Everyone else who's interested, feel freeto take a look as well.I setup some test pages.andEach has a link to a business card. On the biz card you'll need toclick 'edit.' On 'test,' you'll see tinymce loaded on the description textarea.feel free to try it out. It will work the first time, but not onsubsequent attempts.On 'test2,' you'll see just a plain textarea in the edit window, andit will work over and over again.A copy of the jQuery code is atLine 74 '// Edit buttons (opens assetform)' begins the appropriatejQuery for that Edit window.

The only difference between 'test' and'test2' is 'test2' is lacking the tinyMCE.init function.thanks!!!


Tinymce Jquery Form Serialize File

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